1➻ Which best describes your favorite lip color?
2➻ Which is your favorite form of self care?

3➻ Which best describes your current lingerie situation?

4➻ Which accessory would you bring to your boudoir photoshoot?
5➻ What would be your ideal vacation?
6➻ What animal is most like you?

7➻ What words to describe a boudoir session appeal to you the most?

8➻ Hobby would you love to try?

9➻ Enter your email to see your results! *
Don't worry! We're just using it to send information about your unique results.
10 ➻ What's your name?
11➻ What's the best phone number to text your results to?
Don't worry! We're just using it to send information about your unique results.

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All Rights Reserved


4 Pearl Street Dedham

Massachusets 02026


(857) 575-2343


I’m Allana THE PERSON BEHIND THE LENS Hello there! Before I began this work, I found myself trying to fit into some idealized notion of beauty and in an endless comparison game. It was exhausting. Gradually, I realized that true beauty was not about looking perfect - it was about being authentic; embracing the breadth of the human experience. It was finding inspiration and joy and acceptance in myself.

©Modern Muse

All Rights Reserved